Friday, May 27, 2016

Group Assignment 2

1.    Logical Mind Map
Ahmed Maasir Patel | 110039942 | Bachelor in Software Engineering with Multimedia

2.    Associated Mind Map
Tham Yik Foong | 110039664 | Bachelor in Software Engineering with Multimedia

3.    Essay
Talha Muhammad Afzal | 110038779 | Bachelor in Games Technology
According to me, leadership is a practical skill and a research area regarding the ability of an individual to lead an organization or guide other people. Leadership is a quality that not many possess, some are born with it while some others train to be good at leading. This reminds of me a famous quote that I read:
Leadership is the art of getting someone to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
-          Dwight D. Eisenhower
Leaders help themselves and others around them to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to win as a team or an organization. It is supposed to be exciting, dynamic and inspiring. The worlds ‘leader’ and ‘leadership’ are often used incorrectly to describe people who are actually managing. These individuals may be highly skilled, good at their jobs and valuable to their organizations but that just makes them excellent managers and not great leaders.
In order to be able to lead a leader needs to be able to do several things. They need to able to do several things. They need to be able to see things other people aren’t willing to see yet. This is a tough thing to do. We all see things that others don’t, many people are good at ignoring it and some aren’t. Leaders need to able to see things, understand that they exist, adapt to them and respond to them and if possible try to make others see it as well. This is an extremely hard thing to do as a leader but not impossible. This often means your members will deny your outlook but a true leader does not waver. People are always waiting for the leader to make the tough decisions. If you’re the leader of your team, look around the room and you’ll notice that everyone is looking at you for your decision. They might disagree in the beginning but deep down they want you to make the decisions which are related to something big.  We all learn by watching and they are all looking at you to see how you do it. As the leader, you have to take responsibility and accountability for everything that occurs in your domain. Even if it’s not your fault or even if you didn’t do it and even if it’s embarrassing. You don’t even throw anyone under the bus, you own it, deal with it and move on. We all make mistakes and it’s not the end of the world if we make one.
As a leader, your jobs is not to be loved but to do the right thing. Too many times our desire to be liked and loved causes us to make delays in making touch decisions. As leaders, our job is to do the right thing. It is important to know that if we don’t believe in what we are doing then no one else will. People often think that leadership is about having a corner office, a nice car and a lot of money. The truth is farther from this, being a leader means having a vision in your heart and mind and bringing the energy of manifestation to that vision so that others can see it and believe in it too. There are many people in positions of power who no longer believe in what they are doing and as a result the whole organization loses faith.
In an organization, surprises happen all the time, contingency plans are thus important. But don’t overdo then you’ll end up spending a lot of time thinking about backup plans rather than focusing on the main task at hand. Keeping a vision clear and strong is important but it is also important to adapt very quickly. A good leader also remembers that sacrifices and long hours don’t matter if there are no results to show for them. This is a really tough one for people to swallow as it completely counters our culture. According to people, if they work long hours they expect praise and medals of honor in exchange. You as a leader need to get out of your comfort zone and do new things as well as encourage your team to do so as well because that’s what creative and strategic thinkers do. If you do the same things again and again, you are going to get the same results or even worse results as time passes. The only way to get new ideas is to try new things. Another good way to get new ideas is to listen and observe. If you can quiet your own mind and focus your eyes, usually the answers are right in front of to you to be heard or seen. Leaderships isn’t about just talking and making speeches and communicating. It’s about watching, sitting with people and truly hearing them. Once you have heard all the things you need to hear you go back to the beginning and talk about the things that others don’t want to hear or talk about.
In LUCT, there are a lot of focused people who are good at leading but I would like to concentrate on Tan Sri Dato' Sri Paduka Dr Lim Kok Wing. There are a lot of people who respect him which ranges from people inside the university to outside dignitaries. Why is it so? It’s because he knows how to present and talk to people in such a way that it inspired them to work hard. A lot of people in the University itself can vouch for his personality as well as him in a person. He inspired people in the university with his vision and dream, of course some people may not have a clear idea of what his aims are but as a leader he gives them the guidelines to help them grow as a team as well get closer to his vision with every passing day.

4.    Random Word Association
Aina Nurazlina | 110040225 | Bachelor in Software Enginering with Multimedia

1.      Leader                         = Person who commands a group, organisation or country
2.      Ruler                           = Person exercising government or dominion
3.      President                     = Elected head of a republican state
4.      Prime minister             = Head of an elected government
5.      King                            = Male  ruler of an independent state, especially one who
                                        inherits the position by birth
6.      Lead                            = Someone who is in charge or command of
7.      Supervisor                   = A person who supervises a person or an activity
8.      Master                         = Skilled practitioner of a specific activity
9.      Best                             = Most excellent, effective, or desirable
10.  Open minded              = Willing to receive new ideas
11.  Unbiased                     = Showing no prejudiced against things
12.  Unprejudiced              = Showing dislike, distrust based on fixed preconceived ideas
13.  Decisive                      = A person showing the ability to make decisions quickly and
14.  Determined                 = Have a firm decision and confirm to not change it
15.  Strong-willed              = Determined to do as he want even when told otherwise
16.  Resolute                      = Admirable purposeful, determined, and unwavering
17.  Fair                              = Without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage
18.  Committed                  = Feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause
19.  Responsible                 = Obligated to have control over or care for someone as part of
    one’s job role
20.  Devoted                      = Very loving or loyal
21.  Enthusiastic                 = Showing intense and eager interest
22.  Keen                            = Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
23.  Passionate                   = Caused by strong feelings or a strong belief
24.  Vehement                    = Showing strong feeling
25.  Educated                     = Resulting from having good education, knowledgeable
26.  Knowledgeable           = Intelligent and well informed
27.  Erudite                                    = Showing great knowledge
28.  Experienced                = Having knowledge or skill in a particular field
29.  Observer                      = Person who looks on something closely and comments
30.  Respectable                 = Regarded by society to be good, proper or correct
31.  Reputable                    = Having a good reputation
32.  Trustworthy                = Able to rely on
33.  Rational                       = based on or in accordance with reason or logic
34.  Reasonable                  = Having sound judgement
35.  Teamwork                   = Effective and efficient when in a group of people
36.  Comradeship               = Company and friendship of others with common goals
37.  Sociability                   = Quality of being sociable
38.  Cooperative                 = Involve mutual assistance in working towards common aims
39.  Honest                         = Truthful
40.  Plain-speaking             = Outspoken, or blunt
41.  Upright                        = Strictly honourable or honest
42.  Strict                           = Demanding that rules concerning behaviour are obeyed
43.  In control                    = Able to direct a situation or person
44.  Humble                       = Showing a modest of one’s own importance
45.  Dedicated                   = Devoted to a task
46.  Firm                             = Strongly felt and unlikely to change
47.  Unbending                  = Strict and austere in one’s behaviour or attitudes
48.  Proactive                     = Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to
    happen rather than responding after the incident
49.  Enterprising                 = showing initiative and resourcefulness
50.  Empowering                = Make someone more stronger and confident

5.    Juxtaposition
Devina Elizabeth Tjandra | 110041780 | Bachelor in Software Engineering with Multimedia
A leader is like water.
Water is peaceful and calm, but can also be as powerful as a storm. It does not compete with everything else on earth, but instead it provides everything the earth needs in order to function. Life on earth cannot survive without water.
A leader should be like this – calm but strong. A leader should not run ahead of everyone else but should flow with the rest of the team and support them. A leader is an essential part of any team.
A leader is like a shepherd.
Instead of expecting his or her sheep to follow, a shepherd stays behind the flock and watches over the sheep, to make sure they do not go astray.
In the very same way, a leader watches over the team and makes sure they are alright. The leader protects the team from any problems coming from the outside and guides them to the right path if they seem to be going in the wrong direction
 A leader cares for their team the same way a shepherd cares for the flock.
A leader is like a candle.
A candle is a light in the dark. It shows positive and optimistic qualities, the same way a leader should. When the team members are unable to tell which way to go or what to do, a candle always shows the way.
The same way, a candle has nothing to lose if it is going to light up another candle. The flame of a candle can spread to another without losing anything. A leader has nothing to lose when it encourages others to lead as well.

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